Energy Mental & Emotional Healing

Energy, Mental, and Emotional Healing

Pre-Reiki Consultation 

Schedule here first if you're interested in getting Reiki therapy and you've never received Reiki from WICoM before

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Reiki / Ra Sekhi Therapy

Reiki / Ra Sekhi Therapy is a hands-on or hands-off therapy that helps to create deep relaxation, helps the body release stress & tension, relieves pain, and improves mood by reducing anxiety and fatigue. This therapy also treats depression, dissolves energy blocks, and promotes natural balance between mind, body, and spirit, accelerating the body’s self-healing ability. Reiki / Ra Sekhi is also used to treat: headaches, tension, insomnia, and nausea.

Over time Reiki can enhance stamina, intuition, meditation practices, and spiritual evolution. We can not guarantee that someone will be relieved of any ailment with single or multiple reiki sessions, but it will support all medical treatment. The underlying principle of Reiki is that it can do no harm and is not harmful in any way. Kemetic Reiki is an ancient holistic healing modality that works through the energy field to bring balance and harmony to one’s entire being.

We use symbols, hekau (mantras), focused awareness, concentration, Spirit guides, crystals, sound, and aromatherapy to create balance and harmony in the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual bodies. Ra Sekhi looks similar to what some call “laying on of hands.” It uses natural tools to manipulate the subtle energy field, the arit (chakras), and the aura. It can be performed when one is physically present or from a distance. This powerful form of healing will activate a detoxing process within the client to restore MA’AT (order) to any areas which may be experiencing imbalance.

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Divine Goddess / King Therapy

Have you ever wanted to just vent, in a healthy fashion, of course? Well, here’s a therapy session just for YOU!! Divine Goddess Therapy is your time to be heard. Studies have shown that venting healthily is a therapeutic means to reduce stress and relieve tension. In many (though not all) situations, you should discharge negative emotions rather than keep them bottled up. Whether it’s sorrow, anxiety, anger, or frustrations in general, repeatedly holding in what may need to come out has been related to compromised health—physical, mental, and emotional. WICOM, LLC, affords you a safe space to say anything that you want to say. A safe environment is where individuals can feel free to share their feelings openly without judgment and with confidentiality. There are currently 2 sessions available for men and women: One-Hour Divine Goddess / King Therapy and a Two-Hour Divine Goddess / King Therapy.

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Personal Release Ritual 

Do you have bottled-up pain and trauma that has happened at some point in your life that you are ready to let go of to begin your healing process? Release rituals are often done at the time of the full moon so that the energy of the waning moon, as it moves from full to new, can help support the dissolution of things we're ready to let go of. Any time we feel stuck or that a situation from our past is affecting our present and future, it is a good idea to do a releasing ritual. The bottom line is that there is no right or wrong way to release what no longer serves you. Allow me to guide and assist you in your release process.

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Crystal Therapy

Crystal Therapy aids in the body, mind, emotions, and spirit healing processes. The application of Crystal Therapy includes various ways to effectively influence the complete energy spectrum of the body with an unlimited supply of vibrational components for good health. As a product of nature, the body must obtain nourishment from the six elements to function as a whole. This requires the alignment and opening of the 12 main energy centers of the body through mineral therapy and energy cleansing remedies of the many solid formations of divine energy known as crystals.

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Color Therapy

Color Therapy is an alternative therapy that uses colors and their frequencies and light to treat physical, emotional, and mental health by balancing the body’s energy centers, also known as chakras. Color therapy is also known as chromotherapy or color healing. The goal of color therapy is to correct physiological and psychological imbalances in the human body. For instance, if one is stressed, color therapy can help soothe them into regaining their psychological balance. If one is depressed, color therapy can invigorate them and give them increased energy.

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Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it is called essential oil therapy. Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils, incense, and candles medicinally for the body, mind, and spirit. It enhances both physical and emotional health.

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Sound Therapy

There are different types of sound therapy, each with various benefits.

Guided meditation is a form of sound healing in which you meditate to voiced instruction, either in a session, class, or using a video/app. Meditation can involve chanting or repeating mantras or prayers. Research has found that meditation offers many health benefits, including stress reduction, decreased anxiety and depression, improved memory, reduced blood pressure, pain reduction, lower cholesterol, and reduced risk of heart dis-ease and stroke.

Neurologic music therapy is administered by a credentialed provider who assesses the client’s needs. Treatment involves creating, listening, singing, or moving to music. It is beneficial for physical rehab, pain management, and brain injuries. Along with voice, the following are some of the different instruments used in music therapy: singing bowls, tuning forks, pan flute, harp, drums, guitar, piano, or any other instrument.

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Spiritual Bath (Bag of Herbs) or Jar of Intention Set Herbs 

Spiritual baths have been used in many cultures to cleanse the soul, clear the mind, and ultimately heal the chakras to heal the spirit. A spiritual bath cleanses your chakras, revitalizes your aura, and leaves you feeling more present and in a highly positive state of mind. This spiritual regeneration occurs not merely from the comfort of soaking in warm water but from energies imparted by the powerful oils, herbs, or crystals that have been added to the bathwater. Unlike a regular bath with soap, shampoo, and water that cleanses the body, a spiritual bath cleanses the mind and spirit. Spiritual baths use powerful ingredients that charge the bathwater with healing vibrations that help remove blockages, pain, and situations that no longer serve you constructively.

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Death Doula 

Do you have a loved one that is transitioning and you would like to help them have a more peaceful transition. An end-of-life doula guides a person who is transitioning to death and their loved ones through the dying process.

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Distance Reiki 

A typical remote Reiki session, the practitioner talks with the client by phone or video to discuss any concerns or questions, and then asks the person to lie in a comfortable, quiet space.

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Couples’ Reiki / Ra Sekhi 

Energy healing for couples to enjoy together. Enhances and supports the romantic, amorous relationships in our lives, such as lovers, life partners, spouses, and so on.

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Chakra Balancing / Aura Clearing

Release blocked energies and create harmony in these areas to nurture physical and emotional well-being. Aura cleansing, a powerful practice in purifying one’s energy field, removes negative energies accumulated over time due to stress, emotional  disturbances, or environmental factors. Regular aura cleansing helps restore balance and harmony within the energy field, enhancing one’s ability to connect with oneself and the surrounding world on a deeper level.

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House Clearing / Energy Boost 

Spiritual clearing and blessings for joy, peace and love for the home. Clear negative energy and bring in positive energy and light; also includes performing Reiki on all household members (up to 4 people).

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Guided Meditation 

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Have a therapy in mind? Call 469-278-6911 to discuss how we can help!

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