Detox Therapy

Detox Therapy

RF Inner Cleanse

Raising the body’s internal temperature by even one degree can increase immunity by 5-6 times by creating deep thermal resonance frequencies. The microcrystalline radio frequencies emitted by the RF Detox help regulate the entire body’s circulatory system, influence the frequencies of the organs that are in direct correlation with the entire circulatory system, raise the body’s natural metabolic rate, and enhance the body’s immune system. RF Detox is a thermal shock wave depth conditioning instrument that circulates RF (radio frequency) Vibration Energy through the meridians of the feet to the whole body. Based on German Microcrystalline Radio Frequency Technology, our RF Inner Cleanse Detox treatments improve blood circulation deep within the cells of every organ of the body, raise the body’s internal temperature to protect against disease, and support lymph health.

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Ion Foot Detox

Detox Therapy consists of two basic things the body needs to heal itself. One is nutrients. The other is detoxification. Detoxification is the removal of toxic materials that have accumulated in the body. These materials are virulent because they interfere with the activity of the cells. Some benefits of detox include: ridding the body and organs of harmful toxins, parasites, and waste, increasing mental clarity, improving digestion, increasing physical stamina, clearer skin, strengthening the immune system, and weight loss. At WICoM, LLC, we use the Ion Foot Spa, Herbal Baths, Herbal Therapy, and Raw Foods to assist with detoxification. A detox allows our bodies to recharge and reset and enables us to adjust our eating habits for optimal health.

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How It Works

Blood circulation is accelerated, and toxins and waste are broken down and sent to be eliminated. Mucous, cholesterol, and fat, which can adhere to the arteries and vein walls, are dispersed and gradually eliminated by the body. Fresh oxygen and nutrients circulate faster through the blood, detoxing the organs. This allows cells and genes to be repaired and rejuvenated by the body. The RF Inner Cleanse may help with some of the following: hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, gout, varicose veins, backache, atrophy, joint pain, weight loss, skin disease, colds, poor blood circulation, neuropathy and more.

Personal Sauna   

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Yoni Steam / Lingam Steam

Yoni: Between menstruation, sexual intercourse, and childbirth, the vagina withstands a lot. When you add changing hormones and pelvic floor issues to the mix, sometimes the vaginal area is anything but comfortable. Vaginal steaming is an age-old natural remedy said to cleanse the vagina and uterus, regulate menstruation, and ease period cramps and bloating.

Lingam steaming is a natural way for men to sit on a low stool over warm water infused with herbs. The steam is said to have many benefits, including:

  • Improved prostate health: Lingam steaming increases blood and oxygen circulation in the pelvic area
  • Reduced pain: Lingam steaming can help with minor aches and pains
  • Improved sexual performance: Lingam steaming can ease swelling and improve ligament and tendon elasticity
  • Smooth skin: Lingam steam herbs can moisturize and cleanse the skin
  • Relaxation: Lingam steaming can help the body improve and relax
  • Disinfected body: Lingam steaming is a natural expectorant that helps expel toxins from the body
  • Reduced stress: Lingam steaming can help reduce stress

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Whole Body Vibration 

Benefits You’ll Receive From Your Whole Body Vibration Exercise Machine Include: 

  • Better Circulation… Increasing the amount of the circulation of your blood in your body will help the cardiovascular system as well as your muscles and arterial blood vessels through the entire body as well as improving the delivery of oxygen enriched blood to your arms and legs.
  • Enhanced Muscle Strength… Decreases fatigue and risk of injury
  • Greater Flexibility… Allows you greater freedom of movement and improved posture
  • Increased Range Of Motion… Reduces weak muscles and stiffness
  • Stimulates Core Conditioning… Tightens abs, improves posture and increases the correct distribution of body weight
  • Better Stability and Balance… As we age, balance becomes more difficult if we don’t counter the natural tendency of the body to lose it’s sense of balance
  • Increases Metabolism… Increases the body’s ability to shed excess weight
  • Increased Bone Density… Results in stronger, healthier bones that are then less susceptible to breaks and fractures
  • Stress Reduction… Reduced stress means less irritability, worry, nervousness and illnesses from excessive stress
  • Stimulates Lymphatic Flow… Increases nutrients to the body’s cells as well as more effective elimination of waste products
  • Decreases Cellulite… Less cellulite means less toxins being retained in the body
  • Increases Natural Collagen Production… Increased protein for smoother skin, healthier eyes, tendons, organs, nails and cellular health
  • Tones Muscles and Body Conditioning… Increased strength, more lean muscle mass and improved endurance 
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Full Service Detox

10 mins Whole Body Vibration, 30 mins Ion Foot Detox or RF Inner Cleanse, 30 mins Personal Sauna, Yoni / Lingam Steam and Detox Tea served

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Call us today

For detox services, call our team at 469-278-6911.

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